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clattered Meaning in Tamil ( clattered வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடதடவென்ற சப்தம்,

clattered's Usage Examples:

The carriage steps clattered as they were let down.

A few small stones clattered down the bluff and they glanced up in time to see a bighorn sheep.

City were now rejuvenated and Andy Morrell clattered the bar with a close range effort three minutes later.

It clattered along the top of the cliff and fell.

Moments later it clattered on the rocks below.

clattered up the narrow winding stairway into the gallery.

He clattered up the narrow winding stairway into the gallery.


brattle, make noise, noise, clack, resound,


comprehensibility, regularity,

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