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clatter Meaning in Tamil ( clatter வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடதடவென்ற சப்தம்,

clatter's Usage Examples:

The carriage steps clattered as they were let down.

No one spoke and the only sounds heard were the clatter of knives and the munching of the lieutenant.

They could not see the speeding horse, but they heard the clatter of its hoofs far down the road, and they understood the cry, "Up! up! and defend yourselves!"She dropped her plate into the sink with a loud clatter.

The scraping of leather against leather, the hollow clatter of stone and shale, the rustle of whatever creature settled behind her.

A few small stones clattered down the bluff and they glanced up in time to see a bighorn sheep.

clattering noise in another room.

City were now rejuvenated and Andy Morrell clattered the bar with a close range effort three minutes later.

It clattered along the top of the cliff and fell.

clattering percussion.

From the carriages emerged men wearing uniforms, stars, and ribbons, while ladies in satin and ermine cautiously descended the carriage steps which were let down for them with a clatter, and then walked hurriedly and noiselessly over the baize at the entrance.

resound With the clatter of Old Iron, begged or found?Not only do its notes resound with a seeming inability to blend successfully, they seem practically incongruous - and it's only then that one begins to appreciate just how adventurous Parker really is.

Moments later it clattered on the rocks below.

When the clock hands reach a certain time, the bells clang and clatter until a sleepy hand gropes for the switch to turn the clock off.


brattle, make noise, noise, clack, resound,


comprehensibility, regularity,

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