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clank Meaning in Tamil ( clank வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சங்கிலி உராய்வதால் ஏற்படும் ஒலி,

clank's Usage Examples:

I could hear the clank of its heavy black boots, The sound of iron on stone.

clanking sound of marching Jaffa.

Haunted castles: The mention of haunted castles calls to mind clichéd images from Hollywood of clanking chains and rusty suits of armor, but many castles throughout Europe provide evidence of real haunted places.

Certain hanging travel cosmetic carriers are able to hold objects as large as a travel blow-dryer, but due to the intensity of most types of travel, a hanging makeup bag cannot prevent your makeup items from clanking against one another.

hooting car, a clanking, scratching, scraping.

clanks along in a very uneven percussive fashion.

For a long time they continued to look at red Rugay who, his arched back spattered with mud and clanking the ring of his leash, walked along just behind "Uncle's" horse with the serene air of a conqueror.

Long gone are the days of swashbuckling pirates clanking swords.

Necklaces and bracelets are much affected, and chains with scent-caskets attached, while the arms are covered with clanking glass bangles called alangu, some twenty even of these being on one arm.

clanking of swords and explosions can be heard all around.


go, sound,


regularity, agree, miss,

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