clansmen Meaning in Tamil ( clansmen வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
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clansmen தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
பாகவத புராணம் மற்றும் மகாபாரத காவியத்தின் படி, கிருட்டிணன் பிறந்த யாதவ குலத்தினர்கள் குஜராத்தின் சௌராட்டிரா கற்பத்தின் கடற்கரையில் துவாரகை நகரை நிறுவி ஆண்டனர்.
clansmen's Usage Examples:
For the purpose of conveying some idea, one theory may be taken, according to which the fine was made up of seventeen clansmen, with their families, viz.
Without money, and without anything like an adequate regular force, he called out the clansmen of Atholl, Perth and other nobles, and quartered " the Highland host " on the disturbed districts.
clansmangh there must be a good number of glengarry clansmen living in Australia, they are rare as far as our records are concerned.
Neither were the unfenced and unappropriated common lands - waste, bog, forest and mountain - which all clansmen were free to use promiscuously at will.
But the hereditable jurisdictions and feudal powers, as of calling out tenants by the fiery cross and punishing the peaceful by burning their cottages, had never been abolished; the chief's will was law, and if the chiefs headed a rising, their clansmen would follow them, willingly or " forced out.
clansman's badge which all clansmen should use.
This event created a deep impression in Ireland, where O'Neill's submission to the English king, and his acceptance of an English title, were resented by his clansmen and dependents.
The town was once famous for its pistols and sporrans (as the purses worn with the kilt are called), which were in great request by the clansmen of the Highlands.
The part played by Ito in these negotiations aroused the animosity of the more reactionary of his fellow-clansmen, who made repeated attempts to assassinate him.
"After six weeks the plundering clansmen were withdrawn, and in the spring of 1678, also of 1679, Hamilton with his allies carried their complaints to Charles.
oratory are many small oratories round the West Coast where chiefs and clansmen were wont to pray before and after voyaging.
Fosterage, the custom of sending children to be reared and educated in the families of fellow-clansmen, was so prevalent, especially among the wealthy classes, and the laws governing it are so elaborate and occupied such a large space, that some mention of it here is inevitable.
kindred, member, clan, kinship group, tribe, fellow member, clanswoman, kin group, kin, clan member,
person, someone, dissimilar, unrelated, nonmember,