clamouring Meaning in Tamil ( clamouring வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
ஆரவாரமாய் கூக்குரலிடுகின்றனர்,
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clamouring தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
அதனால் அவர்கள் தற்போது உயர் சாதிகள் மூலமாக அனைத்து விதத்திலும் ஏகபோக உரிமை அனுபவித்து வந்த வாய்ப்புகளின் பங்குகளுக்காக ஆரவாரமாய் கூக்குரலிடுகின்றனர்.
clamouring's Usage Examples:
Denouncing the temporal power of the pope he implored the emperor to deliver Italy, and especially Rome, from their oppressors; but, heedless of his invitations, Charles kept him in prison for more than a year in the fortress of Raudnitz, and then handed him over to Clement, who had been clamouring for his surrender.
Neither the British government nor the growing party in the colonies which was clamouring for colonial rights received the plan with favour - the former holding that it gave the colonies too much independence, and the latter that it gave them too little.
"The natural consequence was that these men to the number of 30,000 flocked to the camp of Alaric, clamouring to be led against their cowardly enemies.
A raging mob surrounded the palace, clamouring for Godoys head; and the favorites life was only saved by Charles TVs announcement of his abdication in favor of Ferdinand (March 17).
Unfortunately, while the new Czechoslovak army was recognized by Italy and took its place in the front line, Baron Sonnino, for political reasons, vetoed the formation of similar Yugoslav legions, though General Diaz had consented, and though the Yugoslays interned at Nocera and elsewhere were clamouring to be enrolled.
Incensed by the debasing of the coinage, which robbed them of part of their pay, they invaded the Divan clamouring for the heads of the sultan's favourite, the beylerbey of Rumelia, and of the defterdar (finance minister), which were thrown to them (April 3, 1589).
But in April he was once more overthrown by the French in a battle fought at Novara, his Swiss clamouring at the last moment for their overdue pay, and treacherously refusing to fight against a force of their own countrymen led by La Tremouille.
Mounting his own pulpit in St Mark's he quietly related the events of the day to the faithful assembled in the church, and then withdrew to his cell, while the mob on the square outside was clamouring for his blood.
The Germans were not sufficiently strong and united to keep in power a minister who had brought them the relief for which they had been clamouring for two years.
, were clamouring for his support.
While indignant Athenians were clamouring for the revocation of the peace, Demosthenes upheld it in his speech "On the Peace" in September.
clamour, clamor, call, outcry, shout, vociferation, cry, yell, hue and cry, clamoring,
put option, cause to sleep, demobilize, laugh, whisper,