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chromosomes Meaning in Tamil ( chromosomes வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



chromosomes தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


chromosomes's Usage Examples:

This probe mixture is hybridized to normal human reference metaphase chromosomes.

A special type of blood test called a karyotype may be done to analyze the girl's chromosomes if the doctor suspects Turner's syndrome or another genetic disorder.

It forms a part of the 1mm or plastin network of the nucleus and may become impregnated with varying quantities of chromatin stored up for use in the formation of the chromosomes and other nuclear activities.

The nucleus in its vegetative stage shows a fine network throughout containing in the meshes the so-called nuclear-sap; attached to the network are the chromosomes, in the form of small irregular masses, which have a strong affinity for the " basic dyes.

; Berghs, La Formation des chromosomes hthrotypiques dans Ia sporognse vCgtale, La Cellule (1904), vol.

Eight chromosomes appear again in the ultimate divisions which give rise to the carpospores.

Boveri in fact has put forward the view that the chromosomes are elementary units which maintain an organic continuity and independent existence in the cell.

The number of chromosomes in the nucleus of the two spores, pollen-grain and embryo-sac, is only half the number found in an ordinary vegetative nucleus.

The mitotic index is the fraction of cells in a microscope field which contain condensed chromosomes.

In Xenopus oocytes both isoforms located to the lateral loops of lampbrush chromosomes.

Doncaster (1906-1907) on the eggs of sawflies, the number of chromosomes is not reduced in parthenogenetic egg-nuclei, while, in eggs capable of fertilization, the usual reduction-divisions occur.

It seems to be fairly well established that in the meiotic phase there is a truequalitative division brought about by the pairing of the chromosomes during synapsis, and the subsequent separation of whole chromosomes to the daughter nuclei.


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unbreakableness, thin, thick, porosity, artifact,

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