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cerebrum Meaning in Tamil ( cerebrum வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முன்பக்க மூளை,

cerebrum தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


cerebrum's Usage Examples:

Probably it is fused with the D, Deuterocerebrum, consist protocerebrum, and may also be ing of ganglion cells be concerned in the history of the very longing to the second or peculiar paired eyes of Peripatus, mandibular somite.

Phenacetin, acetanilide, phenazone and many similar bodies act as antipyretics in virtue of an action on the heat-regulating centres in the cerebrum.

No less important than any of the above is the action of atropine on the cerebrum.

In the leeches, however, there seems to be the commencement of the formation of a syncerebrum.

If they figure you for using an independent cerebrum, the end is in sight.

The Arthropoda are all distinguished from, The prostomial the Chaetopoda by the fact that the head A ganglion-mass or consists of one or more somites which lie in archi cerebrum.

Type IV malformation consists of an underdevelopment of the cerebrum and involves no herniation of brain tissue into the spinal area.

The brain innervates the eyes and feelers, and must be regarded as a " syncerebrum " representing the ganglia of the three foremost limb-bearing somites united with the primitive cephalic lobes.

It has been suggested that the incoordination of nervous action under the influence of Indian hemp may be due to independent and non-concerted action on the part of the two halves of the cerebrum.

1843) and his disciples, it was proved that the cerebrum is occupied by many such centres or exchanges, which preside over the formulation of sensations into purposive groups of motions - kinaesthesis of H.

) the true limitations of the cerebrum, whilst embryological researches have done as much for Scorpio.

Some of them are so volatile that they produce their effects when inhaled, others when sprayed upon the skin cause intense cold and then anaesthesia; but taken in the broadest sense the action of all of them after absorption into the blood is very similar, and is exerted upon the central nervous system, more especially the cerebrum.

But the protocerebrum contains the ganglia of the ocular segment in addition to those of the procephalic lobes.


central sulcus, sulcus lateralis cerebri, convolution, hemisphere, telencephalon, gyrus, fissure of Rolando, cerebral mantle, cerebral cortex, Rolando"s fissure, lateral cerebral sulcus, fissure of Sylvius, neural structure, pallium, Sylvian fissure, cerebral hemisphere, cortex, sulcus centralis,



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