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ceremoniously Meaning in Tamil ( ceremoniously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



ceremoniously தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆண்டுதோறும் மே 12ஆம் நாளில் லண்டனில் உள்ள வெஸ்ட்மின்ஸ்டர் அபேயில் (Westminster Abbey) சம்பிரதாயபூர்வமாக இந்நாள் கொண்டாடப்படுகிறது.

ceremoniously's Usage Examples:

He came to the point at once, treating her ceremoniously.

"Let's do it," she finally said unceremoniously.

The lingering rage at being so unceremoniously busted, and by a snippy woman storm trooper to boot, was only now beginning to melt away in the peace of his quarters.

Fred explained the beads—she'd gone to Mardi Gras—as he unceremoniously pushed Dean into the rear seat of the open vehicle.

Everyone moved closer as Fitzgerald ceremoniously opened the box.

Bordeaux took her elbow in his hand and ceremoniously led her to the wagon.

Shrove Tuesday is called the French Mardi gras, " Fat Tuesday," in allusion to the fat ox which is ceremoniously paraded through the streets.

Can I do more in my role?Do you want to see it?"Let's do it," she finally said unceremoniously.

All through his reign he preferred to employ as officials men of humble origin, and habitually treated the boyars and great nobles very unceremoniously.

Fred O'Connor was off to the post office, but before leaving, he ceremoniously presented Martha with thirty dollars and a smothering hug.

Relieved, he pulled the blowing horse to a halt and grabbed Rissa by the scruff of her tunic, unceremoniously hauling her up and dumping her on the ground.

The Kapp coup in Berlin, which in some of its aspects sprang from similar anxieties in Prussia, gave the signal for political action in Munich, and at a midnight sitting the Bavarian Socialist Ministry was somewhat unceremoniously hustled out of office - it is alleged under military pressure - and a Coalition Cabinet under von Kahr installed.

Betsy opted for wine which Quinn opened a Merlot ceremoniously, toasting our engagement.





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