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caustic Meaning in Tamil ( caustic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



caustic தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


caustic's Usage Examples:

"A valuable controversy followed on the question of executing heretics, in which Beza (for), Mino Celsi (against), and several caustic anonymous writers (especially Castellio) took part.

and is soluble in caustic alkalis.

8vo), a work fully intended to take the place of Temminck's; but of which Bonaparte, in a caustic but by no means ill-deserved Revue critique (12 mo, 1850), said that the author had performed a miracle since he had worked without a collection of specimens and without a library.

The para-nitro compound is dropped slowly into a cold solution of one part of caustic potash in ten parts of absolute alcohol; the solution becomes dark red in colour and is then warmed for two days on the water bath.

Within are some admirable specimens of encaustic tiles, and several monuments of the Vernon and Manners families; while an ancient runic roodstone stands in the churchyard.

The evolute of this ellipse is the caustic required.

The residue is then fused with caustic potash and nitre, dissolved in water, saturated with chlorine and distilled on the water-bath in a current of chlorine.

encaustic wax using a hot iron and then protectively sealed.

444), 6KHO-1-3CS 2 K2C03+2K2CS3+3H20; on the other hand, an alcoholic solution of a caustic alkali converts it into a.

It is insoluble in sulphuric and nitric acids, but is readily soluble in hydrochloric and tartaric acids and in solutions of the caustic alkalies.

The intermediate layer of the salt solution, floating over the caustic soda solution, plays the part of a diaphragm, by preventing the chlorine evolved in the bell from acting on the sodium hydrate formed outside, and this solution offers much less resistance to the electric current than the ordinary diaphragms.

sugar, starch and cellulose) by nitric acid, and also by the fusion of many oxygen-holding compounds with caustic alkalis, this latter method being employed for the manufacture of oxalic acid.

Potassium chromate, K2Cr04, may be prepared by neutralizing a solution of potassium bichromate with potassium carbonate or with caustic potash.


acerbic, acid, sulfurous, sulphurous, blistering, bitter, virulent, vitriolic, acerb, acrid, unpleasant,


sweet, tasteless, pleasing, good-natured, pleasant,

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