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cauter Meaning in Tamil ( cauter வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



cauter தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆஃபினியம், நொதுமிகளை (நியூட்ரான்களை)ப் பிடிப்பதில் அல்லது உள்வாங்குவதில் அதிகத் திறன் (பிடிதிறன், capture cross section) கொண்டதால், அணுவுலைகளில் கட்டுப்பாட்டு எரிகோல்களில் பயன்படுத்தப் படுகின்றது.

cauter's Usage Examples:

Electrocautery: Lastly, a physician may opt for electrocute to remove warts.

The use of an insulated needle cautery is associated with a minimal amount of adhesion formation.

Frequently bleeding may be severe enough to require transfusion despite local treatment such as cautery, estrogen therapy or even catheter thromboembolism.

The physician may use a medical cautery device or laser to remove the flesh.

Different types of TAP include bipolar cautery, laser, and radio frequency.

Other methods include laser branding, electrocautery and hand held cautery pens.

Estrogen cream, the same preparation used to revitalize vaginal tissue, can toughen fragile blood vessels in the anterior septum and forestall the need for cauterization.

Burning: Used in conjunction with cutting, the tubes are cauterized, or burned, preventing them from reattaching.

In his last illness he was cauterized, and on seeing the burning iron he addressed "brother Fire," reminding him how he had always loved him and asking him to deal kindly with him.

Electronic nail trimmers offer features, such as grinding the nail away and cauterizing the quick.

adenoid tissue can be cauterized (destroyed using heat ).

If some of the spots are particularly bothersome, they can be made to shrivel up by using a laser or pinpoint cautery.

The doctor uses the camera to locate the fallopian tubes, then cuts the tubes and either seals them with clips or uses a technique called cauterization to close the ends by burning them.

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