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bulbuls Meaning in Tamil ( bulbuls வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒருவிதக் குருவி,

bulbuls's Usage Examples:

When light appeared the songs of common bulbuls could be heard.

A Malabar Whistling Thrush was out in the open as we approached the spring, but a party of Grey-headed bulbuls was more elusive.

Of the many characteristic birds may be mentioned Pycnonotidae or bulbuls, of which the Phyllornithinae are peculiar, Campephagidae or cuckoo-shrikes, Dicruridae or drongos, Nectariniidae or sunbirds; pheasants, together with Pavo and Gallus.

These birds are sometimes seen along with Red-whiskered bulbuls in larger flocks feeding in flowering trees.

There are several other bulbuls in the area, and many were heard, but they were very secretive.

It was clearly bigger than the abundant Yellow-vented bulbuls around.

bulbuls seen, but birding very quiet in palm forest.

Density was rather low to meet my expectations, except for a great abundance of Flavescent and Brown-breasted bulbuls soon considered common.

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