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bract Meaning in Tamil ( bract வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bract தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பூக்காம்பிலைகளும், பூக்காம்புச் சிற்றிலைகளும் பலவற்றில் பெரியவையாயும், நிறமுள்ளவையாயும் இருக்கும்.

bract's Usage Examples:

, similar to the athorome but with the addition of a group of bracts.

The smaller bracts or bracteoles, which occur among the subdivisions of a branching inflorescence, often produce no flower-buds, and thus anomalies occur in the floral arrangements.

The bract is not, however, the one from which the axis terminating in the flower arises, but is a bract produced upon it, and gives origin in its axil to a new axis, the basal portion FIG.

The female heads are spinose with long pungent bracts, fall entire when ripe and are carried away by wind or sea, becoming finally anchored in the sand and falling to pieces.

The latter are borne three together, invested by a cupule of four green bracts, which, as the fruit matures, grow to form the tough green prickly envelope surrounding the group of generally three nuts.

Their cones are composed of thin, rounded, closely imbricated scales, each with a more or less conspicuous bract springing from the base.

In the other Calamarian strobili known the whorls of sporangiophores are separated by whorls of bracts.

When bracts become united, and overlie each other in several rows, it often happens that the outer ones do not produce flowers, that is, are empty or sterile.

In Malvaceae an epicalyx is formed by the bracteoles.

Another view is to regard the cone as an inflorescence, each carpellary scale being a bract bearing in its axil a shoot the axis of which has not been developed; the seminiferous scale is believed to represent either a single leaf or a fused pair of leaves belonging to the partially suppressed axillary shoot.

I, Branch with male (a) and female (b) inflorescences; 2, bract with three male flowers; 3, bract with three female flowers; 4, infrutescence; 5, fruit.

The yew-like leaves spread laterally, and are of a deep green tint; the cones are furnished with tridentate bracts that project far beyond the scales.

With a very large pneumatophore not divided into chambers, but without nectocalyces or bracts.


inflorescence, bractlet, false calyx, glume, spathe, epicalyx, bracteole, calyculus, calycle, husk, involucre,



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