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bracteoles Meaning in Tamil ( bracteoles வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பூக்காம்பு சிற்றிலைக் கிழங்கு,

bracteoles தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bracteoles's Usage Examples:

- Flower of Campanula medium; d, bract; v, bracteoles.

The smaller bracts or bracteoles, which occur among the subdivisions of a branching inflorescence, often produce no flower-buds, and thus anomalies occur in the floral arrangements.

In Malvaceae an epicalyx is formed by the bracteoles.

The term bract is properly applied to the leaf from which the primary floral axis, whether simple or branched, arises, while the leaves which arise on the axis between the bract and the outer envelope of the flower are bracteoles or bractlets.

Usually, however, the floral axis, arising from a more or less altered leaf or bract, instead of ending in a solitary flower, is prolonged, and bears numerous bracteoles, from which smaller peduncles are produced, and those again in their turn may be branched in a similar way.

b, pair of bracteoles below the flower; s, sepals; p, petals; st, stamens; o, ovary.

Each flower is subtended by a bract, but there are no bracteoles, and corresponding with the absence of the latter the two first developed sepals stand right and left (fig.

In these forms the lateral shoots, developed centripetally upon the primary axis, bear numerous bracteoles, from which floral shoots arise which may have a centripetal arrangement similar to that on the mother shoot, or it may be different.

The female flower consists of a cup-like receptacle, inseparate from the ovary, and bearing at its upper part a bract and two bracteoles.

6), where the flowers are placed on the inner surface of the hollow receptacle, and are provided with bracteoles.

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