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blennies Meaning in Tamil ( blennies வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


blennies's Usage Examples:

Tom pot blennies, jewel anemones, hermit crabs, spider crabs galore.

gobyecies include gobies, blennies, wrasse, Sea horses, reef sharks, Leopard shark, red coral trout and snappers.

Mackerels of various genera abound, as well as gobies, blennies and mullets.

blennypot blennies, jewel anemones, hermit crabs, spider crabs galore.

blenny worms, sea squirts, nudibranchs and tom pot blennies can be found among the rocks.

blennytrue blennies have a continuous dorsal fin; the first dorsal fins are spiny and the remainder are soft.

blennyso have two blennies which appear to be laying over the eggs like a bird does over its eggs.

bobtail squid, blennies, gobies, basslets and dottybacks.

Gobies, blennies, butterfish and 3 spined sticklebacks are common in the rockpools.

blenny of lobsters, Pollock, Spider crabs, common blennies and a smooth hound - a dog fish to you lot.

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