<< bitterly bitterness >>

bittern Meaning in Tamil ( bittern வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bittern தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


bittern's Usage Examples:

The large lake has 200 booming bitterns in a fringe of reed 400m wide and 7km long.

Spoonbill >>Among these are the large white crane and small crane, the blue heron, the snowy-white egret, the roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja), stork, bittern and many species of ducks.

Dean could read the bitterness in his voice.

The former forests of the state were of two general classes: on the bottom lands along the rivers grew cottonwood, willow, honey-locust, coffee trees, black ash, and elm; on the less heavily wooded uplands were oaks (white, red, yellow and bur), hickory (bitternut and pignut), white and green ash, butternut, ironwood and hackberry.

The vast majority of Afghans are of the Sunni sect; but there are, in their midst, such powerful communities of Shiahs as the Hazaras of the central districts, the Kizilbashes of Kabul and the Turis of the Kurram border, nor is there between them that bitterness of sectarian animosity which is so marked a feature in India.

Suddenly, Deidre's vague story of lost love and Gabe's bitterness towards her clicked.

In September 2003, he and ex-wife Sadie were granted a ' quickie ' divorce, amid bitterness and recriminations.

The substitution of potassium chlorate for pyrolusite is recommended when calcium chloride is present in the bittern.

The stirring incidents in the political emancipation of Portugal inspired his muse, and he describes the bitterness of exile, the adventurous expedition to Terceira, the heroic defence of Oporto, and the final combats of liberty.

This form Nitzsch was only able to find in the bittern (Ardea stellaris).

Some comments by Wesley upon Toplady's presentation of Calvinism led to a controversy which was carried on with much bitterness on both sides.


stake driver, heron, least bittern, Ixobrychus exilis, Botaurus stellaris, Botaurus lentiginosus, American bittern, European bittern,



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