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bitterly Meaning in Tamil ( bitterly வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



bitterly தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

சால்கெ 04 அணியிலிருந்து கசப்புடன் வெளியேறிய ஓசில், வெர்தெர் பிரெமனுடனான முதல் பருவத்தில் டிஎஃப்பி போகல் கோப்பையைக் கைப்பற்ற உதவினார்; பெர்லினில் நடைபெற்ற அக்கோப்பையின் இறுதிப்போட்டியில் பாயெர் லெவர்குசன் அணியினை 1-0 என்று இலக்குக் கணக்கில் வெர்தெர் பிரெமென் வீழ்த்தியது.

 சபாடியா கோங்கார்லிஸ் (ரோஜாப்பூக்கு அல்லது கசப்புடன்).

கசப்புடன் உப்புக்கரிக்கும் சுவையும் கொண்ட இக்கனிமம் சுண்ணாம்புக் குகையிலும், நிலக்கரி சுரங்கப் பாதைகளிலும் காணப்படுகிறது.

bitterly's Usage Examples:

Mahmud bitterly contrasted the fair professions of England with the offers of effective help from Russia.

The agricultural classes and the old landlords of the equestrian order (Cincinnatus, Curius Dentatus, Serranus and the Elder Cato) are to him the pillars of the state; and he bitterly laments the decline of agriculture in Italy (xviii.

"Cunninghame Graham and Mr John Burns for their share in the riot in Trafalgar Square; and in 1889 he was junior to Sir Charles (afterwards Lord) Russell as counsel for the Irish Nationalists before the Parnell Commission - an association afterwards bitterly commented upon by Mr T.

But the long expected heir failed to come, and Bianca realized that if her husband were to die before her she was lost, for his family, especially his brother Cardinal Ferdinand, hated her bitterly, as an adventuress and interloper.

With the exception of the German Populists who felt that a German " Liberal " party could not well oppose an extension of popular rights, all the German Liberals were antagonistic, some bitterly, to the measure.

Founded on faulty experiments and reasoning, the views he expressed were either ignored or ridiculed; and it was long before he bitterly regretted the temerity with which he had published his hasty generalizations.

The exiles had among them desperadoes who could slay; and, besides exciting the enmity of the Anglican clergy about the king, who bitterly resented the secularist spirit of his book, he had compromised himself with the French authorities by his elaborate attack on the papal system.

He felt the ingratitude, of the king, whom he had made, so bitterly that he stooped crc long to intrigue ajebeiion.

) Such covert reference to Paul must designedly have formed part of the Periodoi, yet as adopted from its more bitterly anti-Pauline basis, the "Preachings of Peter" (cf.

It was on this occasion that Parnell, on Forster's charging him, not with directly planning or perpetrating outrages or murder, but with conniving at them, ejaculated "It's a lie"; and, replying on the next day, the Irish leader, instead of disproving Forster's charges, bitterly denounced his methods of administration.

Even after the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) the Iroquois complained bitterly of the fraudulent land speculators, and in 1753 the chiefs of the Mohawks threatened to declare the covenant chain broken.

He turned away from her and swore bitterly, driving his fist into the milk bucket.

"If the Wizard was here," said one of the piglets, sobbing bitterly, "he would not see us suffer so.


bitter, bitingly, piercingly,


painless, unresentful, tolerable, pleasant,

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