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bibliographical Meaning in Tamil ( bibliographical வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நூல் வரைகலை

bibliographical தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்நூல் வரைகலை புத்தகமாக வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

bibliographical's Usage Examples:

Much bibliographical and other information about the later writers on alchemy is contained in Bibliotheca Chemica (2 vols.

), history, ethnography, hydrography and biography, with rich bibliographical information; N.

From a bibliographical point of view some of the early printed Breviaries are among the rarest of literary curiosities, being merely local.

de Balzac (1903), and of numerous bibliographical works.

4 See Ezra And Nehemiah with bibliographical references, also T.

In appearance and careful editing it leaves nothing to desire, containing the entire works, a lexicon, full bibliographical information, and an album of illustrations of the poet's places of residence, his arms, some title-pages of his plays, facsimiles of his writings, 'c.

Grose (containing a valuable introduction and excellent bibliographical matter); the Enquiry and the Treatise (1894 and 1896, Oxford), edited by L.

Current progress in mining and other matters connected with coal can best be followed by consulting the abstracts and bibliographical lists of memoirs on these subjects that have appeared in the technical journals of the world contained in the Journal of the Institute of Mining Engineers and that of the Iron and Steel Institute.

Among the chief editions are those of Zahn, Der Hirt des Hermas (1868); Gebhardt and Harnack, Patres Apostolici (1877, with full bibliographical material); Funk, Patres Apost.

The preface to this edition collects all the biographical details and gives full bibliographical references to MSS.

Eisenhofer, Procopius von Gaza (1897); further bibliographical notices in C.

Feuillet de Conches must be used with caution (see the bibliographical note to the article Marie Antoinette).





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