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bibliographic Meaning in Tamil ( bibliographic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆதார நூற்,

bibliographic's Usage Examples:

Grose (containing a valuable introduction and excellent bibliographical matter); the Enquiry and the Treatise (1894 and 1896, Oxford), edited by L.

"A list of its birds, with some notes, bibliographical and biological, has been given as an Appendix to Baring-Gould's Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas (8vo, 1862); and Shepherd's North-west Peninsula of Iceland (8vo, 1867) recounts a somewhat profitless expedition made thither expressly for ornithological objects.

), history, ethnography, hydrography and biography, with rich bibliographical information; N.

The Dublin Core community has not yet investigated encoding bibliographic citations for other genre.

From a bibliographical point of view some of the early printed Breviaries are among the rarest of literary curiosities, being merely local.

See Julien Vinson, Essai d'une bibliographic de la langue basque (Paris, 1891); J.

Meyer, Der Philosoph Franz Hemsterhuis (Breslau, 1893), with bibliographical notice.

Feuillet de Conches must be used with caution (see the bibliographical note to the article Marie Antoinette).

Thomas, accompanying the Latin text, with full biographical and bibliographical introductions (1888).

, St Petersburg, 1863-1884) - a most valuable source of information, with full bibliographical details under each article; Picturesque Russia (in Russian), ed.

Current progress in mining and other matters connected with coal can best be followed by consulting the abstracts and bibliographical lists of memoirs on these subjects that have appeared in the technical journals of the world contained in the Journal of the Institute of Mining Engineers and that of the Iron and Steel Institute.

For more detailed bibliographical information see Apercu des travaux zoo-ge'ographiques, published at St Petersburg in connexion with the Exhibition of 1878; and the index Ukazatel Russkoi Literatury for natural science, mathematics and medicine, published since 1872 by the Society of the Kiev University.





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