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barricades Meaning in Tamil ( barricades வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தடை அரண்,

barricades's Usage Examples:

But a dispute between the king and the parliament concerning the form of the royal oath having arisen, a group of demagogues with criminal folly provoked disturbances and erected barricades (May 14th).

The citizens resisted stoutly behind barricades, and the French were routed with heavy loss.

, and that had not forgotten the barricades of the League.

Events followed each other quickly; the day of the barricades was followed by the peace of Ruel, the peace of Ruel by the arrest of the princes, by the battle of Rethel, and Mazarin's exile to Briihl before the union of the two Frondes.

We have to drive around the barricades and all.

Some protestors are charging police lines using metal barricades.

barricades removed in order that normality should be restored.

The Neapolitans reached Bologna on the 17th of May, but in the meantime a dispute had broken out at Naples between the king and parliament as to the nature of the royal oath; a cry of treason was raised by a group of factious youngsters, barricades were erected and street fighting ensued (May Is).

The king refused to open parliament unless the barricades were removed, and while the moderate elements attempted to bring about conciliation, the ministry acted with great weakness.

It was as if he was saying the police can't stop the yobs so put up the barricades and take cover.

I don't see you out on the street manning the barricades.

A few shots were fired - it is not known who fired first - on the 15th, the Swiss regiments 'stormed the barricades and street fighting lasted all day.

The populace, led by an Amalfi fisherman, known as Masaniello, obtained arms, erected barricades, and, while professing loyalty to the king of Spain, demanded the removal of the oppressive taxes and murdered many of the nobles.


roadblock, barrier,


continuant consonant, begin, continue,

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