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attest Meaning in Tamil ( attest வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சான்று கூறு,

attest தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எனினும் தமிழக மற்றும் இலங்கையில் பொறிக்கப்பட்ட கிறித்துவுக்கு முந்திய பிராமி ஆவணங்களிலும் நாணயங்களிலும் காணப்படும் "சிவ" என்ற பெயரும், நந்தி, திரிசூலம், பிறைநிலா முதலான சிவச்சின்னங்களும், தென்னகத்தில் பல்லாண்டுகளாகவே சைவம் நிலவிவந்ததற்குச் சான்று கூறும்.

மட்டக்களப்புத் தேசத்தின் உகந்தை, கதிரவெளி, வாகரை முதலிய இடங்களில் கிடைத்த பெருங்கற்கால சாசனங்களும், வெல்லாவெளிப் பிராமிச் சாசனங்களும் இப்பகுதியின் தொன்மைக்குச் சான்று கூறுகின்றன.

இதற்கு சான்று கூறுவதாக தட்டக்கல் கோட்டை என்ற பெயரிலான ஒரு பழங்கால கோட்டை உள்ளது.

சித்தாண்டி சித்திரவேலாயுத சுவாமி ஆலயம், மூலவராக வேலாயுதத்தைக் கொண்டதுடன், இதன் அருகில் அமைந்துள்ள குமாரத்தன் கோயில், இத்தலத்தின் பழைமைக்குச் சான்று கூறுகின்றது.

attest's Usage Examples:

2) attest her character as such.

The high reputation it had in medieval times is attested by the numerous translations, commentaries and imitations of it which then appeared.

: and he attests for us the supremacy of Zeus as a belief which was unquestioned by the average Hellene of the time; and appreciating how slow was the process of religious change in the earlier period, we shall believe that the god had won this position long before the Homeric age.

His nose is not only the flattest, but also the smallest among the IndoChinese; his eyes are rarely oblique; his mouth is large and his lips thick; his teeth are blackened and his gums destroyed by the constant use of the betel-nut, the areca-nut and lime.

legitimize are we to direct our attention to find these legitimizing spaces?legitimizee they cannot be taken as attestations for legitimizing war.

The alleged occurrence of the disease in localities free from mosquitoes or without their agency is not well attested; its absence from other localities where they abound is accounted for by their being of an innocent species, or - as in England - free from the parasite.

In general, the remains of the classical epoch attest the influence of Roman rather than of Greek civilization.

The country to the south and east of Amman is distinguished by its fertility; and ruined towns are scattered thickly over it, attesting that it was once occupied by a population which, however fierce, was settled and industrious, a fact indicated also by the tribute of corn paid annually to Jotham (2 Chron.

Since the program has been on for decades, it's clearly seen its fair share of actors, writers, stories and gossip, information only the staunchest and most rabid viewers would attest to knowing all about.

On his death, however, the brief period of comparative prosperity which his architectural works attest was tragically interrupted, and it seemed for a time that Walachia was doomed to Turkish sink into a Turkish pashalic.

In the first or second of those years - ie 1763 or 1764 - Leather attested, Highs built his first jenny.

Boo to loon attest the former prevalence of strong Hindu influence.


reflect, testify, certify, condemn, prove, manifest, demonstrate, show, authenticate, notarize, notarise, evidence, bear witness,


disclaim, absorb, decertify, disapprove, acquit,

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