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attested Meaning in Tamil ( attested வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சான்று கூறு,

attested தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

எனினும் தமிழக மற்றும் இலங்கையில் பொறிக்கப்பட்ட கிறித்துவுக்கு முந்திய பிராமி ஆவணங்களிலும் நாணயங்களிலும் காணப்படும் "சிவ" என்ற பெயரும், நந்தி, திரிசூலம், பிறைநிலா முதலான சிவச்சின்னங்களும், தென்னகத்தில் பல்லாண்டுகளாகவே சைவம் நிலவிவந்ததற்குச் சான்று கூறும்.

மட்டக்களப்புத் தேசத்தின் உகந்தை, கதிரவெளி, வாகரை முதலிய இடங்களில் கிடைத்த பெருங்கற்கால சாசனங்களும், வெல்லாவெளிப் பிராமிச் சாசனங்களும் இப்பகுதியின் தொன்மைக்குச் சான்று கூறுகின்றன.

இதற்கு சான்று கூறுவதாக தட்டக்கல் கோட்டை என்ற பெயரிலான ஒரு பழங்கால கோட்டை உள்ளது.

சித்தாண்டி சித்திரவேலாயுத சுவாமி ஆலயம், மூலவராக வேலாயுதத்தைக் கொண்டதுடன், இதன் அருகில் அமைந்துள்ள குமாரத்தன் கோயில், இத்தலத்தின் பழைமைக்குச் சான்று கூறுகின்றது.

attested's Usage Examples:

The high reputation it had in medieval times is attested by the numerous translations, commentaries and imitations of it which then appeared.

The alleged occurrence of the disease in localities free from mosquitoes or without their agency is not well attested; its absence from other localities where they abound is accounted for by their being of an innocent species, or - as in England - free from the parasite.

In the first or second of those years - ie 1763 or 1764 - Leather attested, Highs built his first jenny.

The earthquake at the moment of our Lord's death and the subsequent appearance of departed saints are strange traditions unattested by other writers.

The proportion of landowners is a very large one, and the prosperous condition of the Groningen farmer is attested by the style of his home, his dress and his gig.

By way of facts, we have only a large body of unattested anecdotes of supra-normal successes in crystal-gazing, in many lands and ages; and the scanty records of modern amateur investigators, like the present writer.

There is no reason to doubt that most of the records have at least a basis of fact, for the cases are in accord with well-attested phenomena of a similar nature at the present day; but there are others, such as the miraculous mending of a broken vase, which suggest either invention or trickery.

- The two recensions' of the Hebrew original, to which we have already referred, were translated into Greek, the former being attested by the Greek MSS.

Bloodstained as had been Chaka's rule, that of Dingaan appears to have exceeded it in wanton cruelty, as is attested.

The Berber tribes, whose racial unity is attested by their common spoken language and by the comparatively numerous Berber inscriptions that have come down to us, bore in ancient times the generic names of Numidians, Gaetulians and Moors or Maurusiani.

He moderated the lord-deputy's policy of deporting the Irish, and unlike him he paid some attention to the interests of the English settlers; moreover, again unlike Fleetwood, he appears to have held the scales evenly between the different Protestant sects, and his undoubted popularity in Ireland is attested by Clarendon.

In this way Yahweh came to be called the Baal or " lord " of any sacred place where the armies of Israel by their victories attested " his mighty hand and outstretched arm.


documented, genuine, authenticated, echt,


unreal, false, insincere, dishonest, counterfeit,

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