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atrial Meaning in Tamil ( atrial வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



atrial தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கூடுதலாக, நோயாளிகளுக்கு, படபடப்பு மற்றும் குருதி ஓட்டக் குறை (குறிப்பாக ஏட்ரியல் குறு நடுக்கம்), சுவாசக் குறைபாடு (டிஸ்பினியா), லிபிடோ குறைபாடு, வாந்தி வரும் உணர்வு, வாந்தி வருதல் மற்றும் வயிற்றுப் போக்கு போன்ற பல அறிகுறிகளும் இருக்கும்.

atrial's Usage Examples:

Digoxin is used to treat atrial fibrillation, an irregularity of the heart beat.

The atrial region extends from the mouth over about twothirds of the length of the body, terminating at a large median ventral aperture, the atriopore; this is the excurrent orifice for the respiratory current of water and also serves for the evacuation of the generative products.

diltiazem group, no attempts were made to terminate atrial fibrillation.

The ligamentum denticulatum is thus lined on one side by the epiblastic atrial epithelium, and on the other by mesoblastic coelomic epithelium.

Healthline presents specials on medical topics such as atrial fibrillation, diabetes and sleep apnea.

Case 8 Cerebral embolus from atrial myxoma Findings Subtle reduced density in the left basal ganglia on CT.

Now this ligament is inserted into the primary bars some distance below the upper limits of the gill-clefts, and it therefore follows that, corresponding with each tongue-bar, the atrial cavity is produced upward beyond the insertion of the ligament into a series of bags or pockets, which may be called the atrial pouches.

However, before its final and full placement in the atrium the mandril is withdrawn to avoid puncturing the thin-walled right atrial appendage.

The atrium or atrial chamber is a peripharyngeal cavity of secondary origin effecting the enclosure of the gill-clefts, which in the larva opened directly to the exterior.

The pharynx projects freely into the atrium; it is surrounded at the sides and below by the continuous atrial cavity, but dorsally it is held in position in two ways.

There are two types of surgical repair for atrial septal defects: primary closure in which the opening is repaired with sutures alone if the defect is small; or secondary closure in which a patch closes the opening if the defect is large.

embolus from atrial myxoma Findings Subtle reduced density in the left basal ganglia on CT.

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