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atria Meaning in Tamil ( atria வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



atria தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கூடுதலாக, நோயாளிகளுக்கு, படபடப்பு மற்றும் குருதி ஓட்டக் குறை (குறிப்பாக ஏட்ரியல் குறு நடுக்கம்), சுவாசக் குறைபாடு (டிஸ்பினியா), லிபிடோ குறைபாடு, வாந்தி வரும் உணர்வு, வாந்தி வருதல் மற்றும் வயிற்றுப் போக்கு போன்ற பல அறிகுறிகளும் இருக்கும்.

atria's Usage Examples:

1 994); the ascription depends on whether the patriarch Arsenius did or did not sojourn at Mount Athos.

Nurses undertake most of the repatriations single-handedly traveling by commercial airline occasionally by air taxi (often in small turboprop single pilot aircraft ).

Digoxin is used to treat atrial fibrillation, an irregularity of the heart beat.

It is only since the 11th or 12th century that Kabbalah has become the exclusive appellation for the renowned system of theosophy which claims to have been transmitted uninterruptedly by the mouths of the patriarchs and prophets ever since the creation of the first man.

It is an imaginary history of the patriarchs and their descendants.

The atrial region extends from the mouth over about twothirds of the length of the body, terminating at a large median ventral aperture, the atriopore; this is the excurrent orifice for the respiratory current of water and also serves for the evacuation of the generative products.

The archbishop is chosen, from a list of candidates submitted by the monks of St Catherine, by the patriarch of Jerusalem and his Synod; and the patriarch consecrates him.

Venetus (1606):" Aliqui sermonem alienum a patria sua loquuntur etsi nunquam e laribus paternis recesserint.

The ecclesiastical schism continued unhealed during the thirty years of his patriarchate.

Essays on how scientific questioning and methods have been shaped by patriarchy and why a feminisation of science is needed.

There will always be other expatriates with plenty to say in the local bar or at the 19th hole on the golf course.


atrium cordis, atrium of the heart, chamber,



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