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athos Meaning in Tamil ( athos வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



athos's Usage Examples:

When she is telling a child's story, or one with pathos in it, her voice runs into pretty slurs from one tone to another.

Yet there is genuine pathos in the regrets and resentments of the two sisters.

JKR did bathos superbly with Neville and Gilderoy Lockhart which had exactly that effect.

His remarkable oratorical talents, rich humour, genuine pathos and inimitable power of story-telling, enabled him to do good service to the total abstinence movement.

And in these three works of fiction there are not only humour and pathos, character and truth, there is also the largeness of outlook on life such as we find only in the works of the masters.

, he writes with pathos and dignity.

In the orchestral ballad, La Belle Dame sans Merci, he touches the note of weird pathos, and in the nautical overture Britannia his sense of humour stands revealed.

The pathos at the underfunded orphanage left me overwhelmed.

Bathos >>The study of the great models of the past serves to show how these masters achieved the truly sublime without falling victim to bathos.

Prayers and other formulas have been copied down by Sahagun and other chroniclers, of endless prolixity, but not without occasional touches of pathos.

Though Wagner cannot as yet be confidently credited with a satiric intention in his bathos, the fact remains that all the Rossinian passages are associated with the character of Daland, so as to express his vulgar delight at the prospect of finding a rich son-in-law in the mysterious Dutch seaman.

It is too long, the sentiment is overstrained, and severe moralists have accused it of a certain complaisance in dealing with amatory errors; but it is full of pathos and knowledge of the human heart.

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