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atlantic Meaning in Tamil ( atlantic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

அட்லாண்டிக் மாகடல்

atlantic's Usage Examples:

His Whig connexions combined with his transatlantic experiences to predispose Lord Edward to sympathize with the doctrines of the French Revolution, which he embraced with ardour when he visited Paris in October 1792.

They stated specifically that they did not want a transatlantic airliner.

The most frequent passenger, oil company executive, clocked up almost 70 round trips transatlantic crossings a year.

airplane piloted by Alcock and Brown made the first non-stop transatlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland.

It is the landing-place for two transatlantic and one coastwise cable lines.

2), is one of the most conspicuous birds of the Transatlantic woods.

Libani - Cedrus Deodara, the deodar, or "god tree" of the Himalayas, and Cedrus atlantica, of the Atlas range, North Africa.

, and Discinisca atlantica King.

Telegraphic communication with Europe is effected by cables laid along the Uruguayan and Brazilian coasts, and by the Brazilian land lines to connect with transatlantic cables from Pernambuco.

This result created a great sensation, and proved that Transatlantic electric wave telegraphy was quite feasible and not inhibited by distance, or by the earth's curvature even over an arc of a great circle 3000 m.

A site for a first Transatlantic electric wave power station was secured at Poldhu, near Mullion in south Cornwall, by the Marconi Company, and plans arranged for an installation.

At much higher altitudes, in the south-west of the Mediterranean region, forests occur of the Atlantic cedar (Cedrus atlantica).

There Are Even A Few Entire Songs Of Transatlantic Origin.


Faroes, Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe, Buzzards Bay, Faeroe Islands, Gulf of Guinea, Atlantic Coast, Galway Bay, Falkland Islands, Shetland Islands, Golfo de Mexico, Faeroes, Tenerife, Bermuda Triangle, Sargasso Sea, Zetland, Bristol Channel, Massachusetts Bay, Penobscot Bay, British Isles, Cape Verde Islands, the Indies, Norwegian Sea, Iceland, Windward Passage, North Atlantic, Newfoundland, Atlantic Ocean, Sao Tome e Principe, Sao Tome and Principe, Greenland, Chesapeake Bay, Bay of Biscay, Bermuda, Antarctic Ocean, New York Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence, North Sea, Gronland, Delaware Bay, Long Island Sound, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Shetland, Bermudas, Sao Thome e Principe, Faroe Islands, Labrador Sea, Bay of Fundy, South Atlantic, Biscayne Bay, English Channel, Orkney Islands, West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, St. Thomas and Principe, Gulf of Saint Lawrence, Kalaallit Nunaat,


midwestern, west, western,

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