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astrological Meaning in Tamil ( astrological வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



astrological தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


astrological's Usage Examples:

We may also mention Cupido Cruciatus, Cupid on the cross; Technopaegion, a literary trifle consisting of a collection of verses ending in monosyllables; Eclogarum Liber, on astronomical and astrological subjects; Epistolae, including letters to Paulinus and Symmachus; lastly, Praefatiunculae, three poetical epistles, one to the emperor Theodosius.

Meaning of the aspect: Trines are wonderful because they represent natural talent; something so easy (to you) that you can probably do it in your sleep!Trines form when planets are 120 degrees apart in an astrological chart.

The Asfar malwashe, or "Book of the Zodiac," is astrological.

Quadruplicity refers to the grouping of four astrological signs that have the same quality; either cardinal, fixed or mutable.

Moreover, it is doubtful from extant remains of Assyrian calendars whether the astrological week prevailed in civil life even among the Babylonians and Assyrians.

In scientific and astrological works, the numerals, as, in Sanskrit, are expressed by symbolical words.

The denotation of elements by symbols had been practised by the alchemists, and it is interesting to note that the symbols allotted to the well-known elements are identical with the astrological symbols of the sun and the other members of the solar system.

As part of the rich heritage of the Chinese culture, the varied stories of Chinese zodiac origin offer colorful fables that enhance the mystique of this ancient astrological methodology.

Not only do they signal where you should focus your attention, but understanding the planets and applying aspects within those houses can boost the predictive astrological skills of the average horoscope junkie to an entirely new level!G.

From this early astrological use the form of "glory" or "nimbus" has been adapted or inherited under new beliefs.

The astrological zodiac has its roots in the science of astronomy - a legacy from the twelve divisions of the precessional cycle.

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