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astronomic Meaning in Tamil ( astronomic வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


astronomic's Usage Examples:

ASTROPHYSICS, the branch of astronomical science which treats of the physical constitution of the heavenly bodies.

We may conclude this brief characterization of astronomy with a statement and classification of the principal lines on which astronomical researches are now pursued.

We may also mention Cupido Cruciatus, Cupid on the cross; Technopaegion, a literary trifle consisting of a collection of verses ending in monosyllables; Eclogarum Liber, on astronomical and astrological subjects; Epistolae, including letters to Paulinus and Symmachus; lastly, Praefatiunculae, three poetical epistles, one to the emperor Theodosius.

The second article says that the Tribonian to whom it refers was of Side (in Pamphylia), was also Core) Suo ybpwv Twv uirap X wv, was a man of learning and wrote various books, among which are mentioned certain astronomical treatises, a dialogue On Happiness, and two addresses to Justinian.

Though she returned to Hanover in 1822 she did not abandon her astronomical studies, and in 1828 she completed the reduction, to January 1800, of 2500 nebulae discovered by her brother.

Brighton food and drink The main gastronomic specialty of Brighton is of course fish and seafood.

The spectrometer more commonly used for astronomical work is the grating spectrometer more commonly used for astronomical work is the grating spectrometer.

After their dispersion the Jews were constrained to have recourse to the astronomical rules and cycles of the more enlightened heathen, in order that their religious festivals might be observed on the same days in all the countries through which they were scattered.

Even at that early period the solar or astronomical year consisted of 3654 days, like our Julian year; and it was arranged in the same manner, a day being intercalated every fourth year.

His object was to popularize among his countrymen the astronomical theories of Descartes; and it may well be doubted if that philosopher ever ranked a more ingenious or successful expositor among his disciples.

This result, though widely inaccurate, came much nearer to the truth than any previously obtained; and it instructively illustrated the feasibility of concerted astronomical operations at distant parts of the earth.

Besides these complications there is another drawback to the use of the coelostat for general astronomical work, viz.


large, galactic, astronomical, big,


nonpregnant, humble, stingy, small, little,

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