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associate Meaning in Tamil ( associate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடன் இருப்பவர், கலந்து கொள், சம்மதம் தெரிவி, சகவாசம் செய், கூட்டாளி,

associate தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நான்காவது பருவத்திற்கு செர்ரி, பெர்கின்ஸ் மற்றும் டெய்லியுடன் இணைந்தவர்கள் ஜான் பார்டீ மற்றும் ஜாய் மர்பி, இருவரும் தொடர் தொடங்கிய காலம் முதல் உடன் இருப்பவர்கள்.

பின்னர் மன்னரான அவர் தனது உடன் இருப்பவர்களையும் மதம்மாற்றியுள்ளார்.

associate's Usage Examples:

In the Echinoidea the water-canals and associated structures, ending in the terminal plates, stretched right up to these genital plates; but in the Asteroidea they never reached the aboral surface, so that the terminals have always been separated from the aboral pole by a number of plates.

Although the Vaishnava sects hitherto noticed, in their adoration of Vishnu and his incarnations, Krishna and Ramachandra, usually associate with these gods their Brot wives, as their saktis, or female energies, the sexual element is, as a rule, only just allowed sufficient scope to enhance the emotional character of the rites of worship.

A gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist versus a low-dose oral contraceptive for pelvic pain associated with endometriosis.

for "breath" or "breeze"), a term used in old days to denote a supposed ethereal emanation from a volatile substance; applied later to the "electrical aura," or air-current caused by electrical discharge; in epilepsy to one of its premonitory symptoms; and in spiritualism to a mysterious light associated with the presence of spirit-forms.

cemeteryno good being associated by such an action with gas chambers and desecrated cemeteries.

Abbey Dore was very prosperous and had 17 associated granges, 9 of which were in the Golden Valley.

The zinc ores associated with the silver-lead long lay unutilized, as the problem of their separation from the associated rhodonite has only recently been overcome.

The nature of Ephedrine assures that the overall effects are markedly different from those associated with Speed and other abused amphetamines such as Ecstacy.

Although tics vary considerably in severity, they are associated with several neuropsychiatric disorders in children and adolescents.

The main mineral deposits are the nickel ores, occurring as veins of garnierite, associated with peridotite dikes, in the ancient rocks of the eastern slope of the island.

According to research by Scientific American, people who watch television compulsively meet many of the criteria associated with substance addiction.

Museum or hospital staff may experience paranormal phenomena, but are afraid to report them because of the stigma associated with such reports and the potential for the sort of unwanted attention that those sort of public reports can bring.

We also only possess a terminus ante quem for the associated watchtower on Holyhead Mountain.


identify, interrelate, colligate, tie in, connect, free-associate, correlate, relate, think, remember, cerebrate, link up, link, have in mind, think of, mean, cogitate,


nice, generous, stranger, refrain, dissociate,

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