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associates Meaning in Tamil ( associates வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உடன் இருப்பவர், கலந்து கொள், சம்மதம் தெரிவி, சகவாசம் செய், கூட்டாளி,

associates தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

நான்காவது பருவத்திற்கு செர்ரி, பெர்கின்ஸ் மற்றும் டெய்லியுடன் இணைந்தவர்கள் ஜான் பார்டீ மற்றும் ஜாய் மர்பி, இருவரும் தொடர் தொடங்கிய காலம் முதல் உடன் இருப்பவர்கள்.

பின்னர் மன்னரான அவர் தனது உடன் இருப்பவர்களையும் மதம்மாற்றியுள்ளார்.

associates's Usage Examples:

Marcus himself says, "To the gods I am indebted for having good grandfathers, good parents, a good sister, good teachers, good associates, good kinsmen and friends, nearly everything good.

Nor were his intimate associates men of refinement and taste; they were rather good fellows who quietly enjoyed a good bottle and a joke; he uniformly avoided encounters of wit with his equals.

But when Luc d'Achery turned from exegetics to patristics and the lives of the saints, as a sort of Christian humanist, he led the way to that vast work of collection and comparison of texts which developed through Mabillon, Montfaucon, Ruinart, Martene, Bouquet and their associates, into the indispensable implements of modern historians.

But now a third war began, the old associates of Antigonus, alarmed by his overgrown power, combining against him - Cassander, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, the governor of Thrace, and Seleucus, who had fled before Antigonus from his satrapy of Babylonia.

Commonly, wedding announcements are mailed to family, friends, and business associates when couples elope, have a private wedding, or a small destination wedding.

To his horror and dismay, he has no wife or children, only enemies, associates, and the occasional loyal manservant.

Moreover, according to the British Journal of Rheumatology study in 1994, Haslock and associates have found additional health benefits, such as increased hand grip strength, associated with arthritis for those who practice simple yoga.

He carried with him into the ministry his close Birmingham municipal associates, Mr Jesse Collings (as under secretary of the home office), and Mr J.

No on both counts but he's been a person of interest in the past, because of his associates.

His acceptance displeased some of his former political associates, and he was accused of "deserting his party.

Have the police interrogators broken the man yet and persuaded him to grass on his criminal associates?Mr.

William Duer (1747-1799) and others in 1787 and officially organized in 1789 as the Compagnie du Scioto in Paris by Joel Barlow, the agent of Duer and his associates abroad, William Playfair, an Englishman, and six Frenchmen.


identify, interrelate, colligate, tie in, connect, free-associate, correlate, relate, think, remember, cerebrate, link up, link, have in mind, think of, mean, cogitate,


nice, generous, stranger, refrain, dissociate,

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