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assignable Meaning in Tamil ( assignable வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


காரணமாகக் குறிப்பிடத்தக்க,

assignable's Usage Examples:

The date cannot be far wrong, and it is by far the earliest assignable to an event of the kind.

Rocks assignable to the Permian system occupy only a few small areas in Scotland.

This may ultimately throw some light on the disappearance of native forms; for these have at times declined without any assignable cause.

Of the 229 only 67 were women, the only assignable explanation being their rarer employment in the fields.

Yet his conception of this faculty as functioning only in and through motive and character, inclination and desire, certainly carries us a long way beyond the abstraction in which his opponents stuck, that of a bare faculty without any assignable content.

He knows that both animals and men have come into existence within assignable limits of time, and that there was an anterior age when no eye or ear gathered the life of the universe into perceptions.

) is regarded by Mill as essentially resentment moralized by enlarged sympathy and intelligent self-interest; what we mean by injustice is harm done to an assignable individual by a breach of some rule for which we desire the violator to be punished, for the sake both of the person injured and of society at large, including ourselves.

Tenant right is assignable, and will pass under an assignment of "all the estate and interest" of the outgoing tenant in the farm.

This is neither assignable by the clergyman during his life, nor can it be seized by his creditors.

Yes No Comments: Top Q: Can I send the metronome to one of the assignable outputs on the Studio?Two assignable knobs provide continuous control of two other MIDI parameters.


transferable, negotiable, conveyable, transferrable, alienable,


unassignable, impassable, inflexible, immobile, inalienable,

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