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assimilate Meaning in Tamil ( assimilate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


உட்கிரகித்துத் தன்மயமாக்கு,

assimilate's Usage Examples:

The Russians have absorbed and assimilated in the course of their history a variety of Finnish and Turko-Finnish elements.

When the neophyte successfully assimilates this stage he passes into transpersonal experiences of bliss, cosmic unity, or other features of higher consciousness.

Ratramnus's view thus resembled Serapion's, after whom the elements furnish a new vehicle of the Spirit's influence, a new body through which the Word operates, a fresh sojourning among us of the Word, though consecrated bread is in itself no more Christ's natural body than are we who assimilate it.

She assimilated words and practised with them, sometimes using them intelligently, sometimes repeating them in a parrot-like fashion.

the horns of Bau (" mother of the gods "), Samas (Shamash), (H)adad, and (in Egypt) of the Asiatic god assimilated to Set (so, too, Rameses III.

As in the case of art and industries, so in religion the Phoenicians readily assimilated foreign ideas.

On his accession to the throne of England in 1603 James entered on a new set of attempts to assimilate the Scottish church to that of England.

No longer armed or wearing their former singular dress, the remnant of them in Lebanon seems likely ere long to be assimilated to the "Osmanli" Moslems.

The Bulgars of the Volga were of Turkish origin, but may have assimilated Finnish and, later, Slavonian elements.

Accordingly, it was henceforward governed by a proconsul (appointed by the senate) and freed from the burden of troops, while its local government was assimilated to that of Italy.


adapt, conform, adjust, acculturate,


depressurise, sell, lend, refuse, bore,

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