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assiduous Meaning in Tamil ( assiduous வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஊக்கமுள்ள, சிரத்தையுள்ள,

assiduous தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வெப்பமான சீதோஷ்ண நிலை, ஊக்கமுள்ள உடற்பயிற்சியின்போது, உடலின் எலக்ட்ரோலைட்டுகள் மற்றும் நீர் சமனிலையில் அழுத்தம் ஏற்படும்போது, இதை எடுத்துக்கொள்வதை பற்றி எச்சரிக்கையுடன் இருக்க வேண்டும்.

பல்கலைக்கழகத்தின் அடுத்த தலைமுறைக்கான ஆசிரிய உறுப்பினராக, உயர் குறிக்கோள்கள், தனித்தன்மை மற்றும் புதிய உக்திகளை கொண்ட அதிக ஊக்கமுள்ள 25 நபர்கள்.

ஊக்கமுள்ள அல்லது மதிநுட்பமான தலைவர் அல்லர் எனினும் அவர் ஒரு திறமையான, தந்திரமிகுந்த போர்வீரர்.

மண்ணில் உள்ள புதைபொருள்களைத் தேடியெடுத்து ஆராய்வதில், இக்கல்லூரிப் பேராசிரியர்கள் பலர் ஊக்கமுள்ளவர்களாக உள்ளனர்.

இம் மாற்றமானது திறமை வாய்ந்த ஊக்கமுள்ள மக்களுக்கும் நிறுவனங்களின் வெற்றிக்கும் இடையிலான உறவு முறையை அறிந்து கொள்ள மிகவும் உதவுகின்றது.

assiduous's Usage Examples:

Descriptive chemistry was now assuming considerable proportions; the experimental inquiries suggested by Boyle were being assiduously developed; and a wealth of observa tions was being accumulated, for the explanation of which the resources of the dominant theory were sorely taxed.

"The extension of the Italian zone excited the suspicions of John, negus of Abyssinia, whose apprehensions were assiduously fomented by Alula, ras of Tigr, and by French and Greek adventurers.

Scarcely has the cherry season passed when that of the wistaria (fuji) comes, followed by the azalea(tsutsuji) and the iris (shibu), the last being almost contemporaneous with the peony (botan), which is regarded by many Japan se as the king of flowers and is cultivated assiduously.

During the many years in which he was a member of " The Club " he was one of its most assiduous frequenters, and his loss was acknowledged by a formal resolution.

Take away her assiduous frequentation of society, from the later philosophe coteries to the age of Byron - take away the influence of Constant and Schlegel and her other literary friends - and probably little of her will remain.

The dissection of the human body, of which some doubtful traces or hints only are found in Greek times, was assiduously carried out, being favoured or even suggested perhaps by the Egyptian custom of disembowelling and embalming the bodies of the dead.

In 1790 he joined the Jacobin Club, in which the moderate elements still predominated, and was assiduous in attendance at the debates of the National Assembly.

Antimonial, bismuth and arsenical compounds were assiduously studied, a direct consequence of their high medicinal importance; mercurial and silver compounds were investigated for the same reason.

The extension of the Italian zone excited the suspicions of John, negus of Abyssinia, whose apprehensions were assiduously fomented by Alula, ras of Tigr, and by French and Greek adventurers.

She nursed him assiduously during an illness he had in 1765, and from that period till her death in 1776 they lived in the same house without any scandal.

He advised him to addict himself to an assiduous study of the more idiomatic English writers, such as Swift and Addison - with a view to unlearn his foreign idiom and recover his halfforgotten vernacular - a task, however, which he never perfectly accomplished.


diligent, sedulous,


careless, idle, negligent,

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