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assassinated Meaning in Tamil ( assassinated வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


வஞ்சகமாக கொல்,

assassinated தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1980 களில் திருநெல்வேலியில் அரசியல் ஆர்வமுள்ள அறிவுடைநம்பி (விஜய் ஆண்டனி), கலப்பு திருமணம், உள்கட்சி அரசியல் மோதல் காரணமாக வஞ்சகமாக கொல்லப்பட, அதன்பிறகு அவர் மனைவியும் மனமுடைந்து தற்கொலை செய்துகொள்கிறார்.

assassinated's Usage Examples:

In 1724 this person was assassinated through the machinations of the pasha, and Shirkas Bey, of the opposing faction, elevated to the office of Sheik al-B alad in his place.

The cathedral (dedicated to St Nicholas the Pilgrim, a Greek assassinated at Trani in 1094 and canonized by Urban II.

Two bravos were hired (one of them named Olimpio, according to Bertolotti, was probably Beatrice's lover), and Francesco was assassinated while asleep in his castle of Petrella in the kingdom of Naples (1598).

Richard also threw himself into the disputes respecting the crown of Jerusalem, and supported Guy of Lusignan against Conrad of Montferrat with so much heat that he incurred grave, though unfounded, suspicions of complicity when Conrad was assassinated by emissaries of the Old Man of the Mountain.

This vizier was presently assassinated by the direction of his stepson Abbs, who was raised to the vizierate in his place.

An attempt was made on his life early in 1 9 04, and he was assassinated on the 28th of July of the same year by a bomb thrown under his carriage as he was on his way to Peterhof to make his report to the tsar; the assassin, Sasonov, was a member of the fighting organization of the socialist revolutionary party.

Canovas did not live to see his scheme put into practice, as he was assassinated by an anarchist at the baths of Santa Agueda, in the Basque Provinces, on the 9th of August 1897.

Though Conrad was almost immediately assassinated, the crown did not 1 A branch of the line continued in Poitou during the 13th century, and ruled in LaMarche till 1303.

In Poona, during 1897, two European officials were assassinated; the editor of a prominent native paper was sentenced to imprisonment for sedition; and two leaders of the Brahman community were placed in confinement.

was compelled by financial necessities, created in part by the heavy war-indemnity exacted by Rome, to pursue an unambitious policy, and was assassinated by his minister Heliodorus.

Barbette >>On the 10th of November 1407 their uncle, the duke of Berry, brought about a solemn reconciliation, but three days later Louis was assassinated by John's orders in the Rue Barbette, Paris.

Nine days later, while lying ill at his home at Washington, he was attacked by one Lewis Powell, alias Payne, a fellow-conspirator of John Wilkes Booth, at the same time that Lincoln was assassinated.




living, alive,

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