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assassination Meaning in Tamil ( assassination வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சதிக் கொலை,

assassination's Usage Examples:

The assassination caused great political excitement, and exacerbated existing party feuds.

On the intervention of Agrippa the order was countermanded, and the assassination of the emperor (41) effectually stopped the desecration.

He was in constant fear of assassination and distrusted all around him.

As a Commando squad, players are tasked with infiltrating underground catacombs, sabotaging the separatists and even attempting assassination.

In 392, after the assassination of Valentinian and the usurpation of Eugenius, Ambrose fled from Milan; but when Theodosius was eventually victorious, he supplicated the emperor for the pardon of those who had supported Eugenius.

After the war its activity was shown by an increasing number of assassinations, burnings and other outrages, until by 1875 it completely dominated the mining classes and forced a general strike in the coal regions.

He was indicted for treason by a Virginia grand jury, persistent efforts were made to connect him with the assassination of President Lincoln, he was unjustly charged with having deliberately and wilfully caused the sufferings and deaths of Union prisoners at Andersonville and for two years he was denied trial or bail.

The assassination of Maurice in 602 impelled him to a war of revenge against Rome, in the course of which his armiesin 6o8 and, again, in 615 and 626penetrated as far as Chalcedon opposite Constantinople, ravaged Syria, reduced Antioch (611), Damascus (613), and Jerusalem (614), and carried off the holy cross to Ctesiphon; in 619 Egypt was occupied.

From his tenth year, when he was kidnapped from his father's court by the rebellious vassals, till his assassination eighteen years later, his whole life, with one bright interval of military glory, was unrelieved tragedy.

Machynlleth (perhaps Maglona in Roman times) has Owen Glendower's "senate house" (1402), and is known as the scene of Glendower's attempted assassination by Dafydd Gam.

So threatening were the symptoms that the royalists at Paris and the plenipotentiaries at Vienna talked of deporting him to the Azores, while others more than hinted at assassination.


murder, slaying, execution,



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