arteries Meaning in Tamil ( arteries வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)
இருதயத்தினின்று கிளம்பும் இரத்தக் குழல் தமனி, ரத்தக்குழாய், நாடி,
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arteries தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:
இந்த நிலை ரத்தக்குழாய்களுக்கு நீண்ட கால சேதம் மற்றும் ரத்த உறைவில் (நெஞ்சுவலி மற்றும் மாரடைப்பு) முடியலாம்.
1885 ஆம் ஆண்டில் அமெரிக்க தயாரிப்பாளர் பார்க்-டேவிஸ் கோகோயினை பல்வேறு வடிவங்களிலும் விற்றார், சிகரெட்டுகள், பொடி, மற்றும் பயன்படுத்துபவரின் ரத்தக்குழாய்களில் ஊசி கொண்டு நேரடியாக செலுத்தக் கூடிய ஒரு கோகோயின் கலவையும் கூட இதில் அடக்கம்.
கால்களில் பாயும் அசுத்தக் குருதியை இதயத்தை நோக்கிச் செலுத்த சிரை ரத்தக்குழாய்கள் இருக்கின்றன.
அதாவது பயன்படுத்தப்பட்ட சிரிஞ்சுகள், ஊசிகள், கத்தி, ரத்தக்குழாய்கள், செயற்கை சுவாசக் குழாய்கள், ரத்தம் மற்றும் சீழ் துடைக்கப்பட்ட பஞ்சுகள், பேண்டேஜ் துணிகள், கையுறைகள் போன்றவை.
இதற்கான சிகிச்சையானது புதிய ரத்தக்குழாய் வளர்ச்சியைத் தடுக்கக்கூடிய மருந்தைக் கண்ணுக்குள் செலுத்துவது ஆகும்.
ரத்தக்குழாய்கள் நன்கு செயல்படும்.
arteries's Usage Examples:
ce, Cerebral arteries; sp, supra - spinal or medullary artery; c, caudal artery; 1, lateral anastomotic artery of Limulus.
The arteries and veins have proper endothelial walls; they pass abruptly into the sinuses and in some cases communication is effected by orifices in the walls of the vessels, as for example in the vena cava of Nautilus.
All those symptoms are referable to spasmodic constriction of the small surface arteries, the pulse at the wrist being itself small, hard and quick.
As main arteries for this circulation of water through its system great canals, constituting in reality so many branches of the river, connected all parts of Babylonia, and formed a natural means both of defence and also of transportation from one part of the country to another.
The aortic trunk is very short, sends off the coronary arteries and then the left aorta brachiocephalica, while the rest divides into the right brachiocephalic and the aorta descendens.
During the physical exam, the child's blood pressure is measured, and a stethoscope is used to listen to sounds made by the heart and blood flowing through the arteries.
Nitrite of amyl has the power of dilating the arteries; it has consequently been employed with much success in lowering the blood pressure and removing the pain in angina pectoris.
Syphilitic lesion of the arteries, and likewise of other fibrous tissues, often involves grave consequential damage to nervous structures fed or supported by such parts.
High tension in the arteries is often associated with sleeplessness, the pressure of blood being such that the circulation in the brain is constantly maintained at a high rate of speed and the brain is unable to obtain rest.
The knife is then carefully examined, and if there be the slightest flaw in its blade the meat cannot be eaten, as the cut would not have been clean, the uneven blade causing a thrill to pass through the beast and thus driving the blood again through the arteries.
It can affect any type or size of blood vessel-large arteries and veins as well as arterioles, venules, or capillaries.
In the gangrenous form various parts of the body underwent gangrene as a consequence of the arrest of bloodsupply produced by the action of sphacelinic acid on the arteries.
In this paper we hypothesized that invasive trophoblast released vasodilators which would dilate spiral arteries as an initial step in the physiology of transformation.
communicating artery, choroidal artery, arteria femoralis, arteria glutes, arteria perinealis, appendicular artery, arteria ulnaris, metatarsal artery, circumflex artery, labial artery, arteria iliolumbalis, jejunal artery, ascending artery, arteria iliaca, arteria appendicularis, arteria cystica, arteria axillaris, maxillary artery, arcuate artery of the kidney, pancreatic artery, lacrimal artery, ileocolic artery, arteria subclavia, brachial artery, subclavian artery, arterial blood vessel, pulmonary artery, arteria arcuata, blood vessel, auricular artery, arteria vaginalis, basilar artery, cerebral artery, arteria digitalis, arteria brachialis, arteria metacarpea, gluteal artery, arteria alveolaris, arteria ileocolica, arteria buccalis, carotid artery, lienal artery, arteria carotis, ileal artery, infraorbital artery, palatine artery, arteriola, femoral artery, ethmoidal artery, arteria epigastrica, pudendal artery, intestinal artery, musculophrenic artery, coronary artery, arteria rectalis, arteria colica, arteria bulbi penis, cystic artery, innominate artery, popliteal artery, arteria choroidea, arteria lingualis, lumbar artery, arteria uterina, arteria radialis, internal spermatic artery, vaginal artery, arteria ovarica, rectal artery, nutrient artery, arteria testicularis, artery of the penis bulb, arteria lumbalis, celiac trunk, arteria poplitea, arteria bulbi vestibuli, arteria mesenterica, arteria infraorbitalis, perineal artery, arteria labialis, arteria communicans, testicular artery, vertebral artery, labyrinthine artery, arteria maxillaris, arteria coronaria, arteria renalis, arteria pulmonalis, artery of the vestibule bulb, meningeal artery, arteria basilaris, cervical artery, iliac artery, arteria pancreatica, iliolumbar artery, ovarian artery, central artery of the retina, alveolar artery, arteria angularis, cerebellar artery, arteria nutricia, splenic artery, buccal artery, arteria lienalis, hepatic artery, arteria musculophrenica, arteria meningea, truncus celiacus, internal auditory artery, axillary artery, arteria gastrica, capillary artery, intercostal artery, arteria celiaca, mesenteric artery, areteria cervicalis, arteria intercostalis, arteria hepatica, arteria cerebri, celiac artery, arteria metatarsea, digital arteries, epigastric artery, ophthalmic artery, arteria ascendens, arteria laryngea, arteria palatina, radial artery, arteria pudenda, artery of the labyrinth, arteriole, ulnar artery, arteria vertebralis, arcuate artery, renal artery, gastric artery, arteria ophthalmica, metacarpal artery, arteria ethmoidalis, arteria, laryngeal artery, arteria centralis retinae, aorta, ciliary artery, uterine artery, lingual artery, arteria lacrimalis, bronchial artery, circle of Willis, arteria ileum, colic artery, arteria cerebelli, arteria ciliaris, arteria auricularis, angular artery,