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anxiously Meaning in Tamil ( anxiously வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



anxiously's Usage Examples:

She stood and paced anxiously, hugging herself.

On the way Double-banded coursers hurried away anxiously from our approach only to stop again suddenly to look back at us.

She shuddered, glancing anxiously at the canopy of branches overhead.

When the count came to see her she turned anxiously round at the sound of a man's footstep, and then her face resumed its cold and malevolent expression.

"She watched the dunes anxiously for Bordeaux.

The head butler, napkin on arm, was scanning the setting of the table, making signs to the footmen, and anxiously glancing from the clock to the door by which the prince was to enter.

For anything like personal immortality the medieval Schoolmen searched him anxiously but in vain.

She was anxiously administered to by several white coated escorts.

Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation.

Natasha and Nicholas often noticed their parents conferring together anxiously and privately and heard suggestions of selling the fine ancestral Rostov house and estate near Moscow.

She turned and studied his stoic profile anxiously.

Entering the terminal, she glanced around anxiously.

No fighting, she recited anxiously.


apprehensively, uneasily,



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