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anxious Meaning in Tamil ( anxious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



anxious's Usage Examples:

that he was anxious to reform the order and punish the knights who had adopted Lutheran doctrines.

Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria had long been anxious to legalize his position by a reconciliation, and as soon as he got rid of Stamboloff he made advances to the Russian government.

The latent discontent of the allies was soon fanned into hostility by the intrigues of Mausolus, prince of Cardia, who was anxious to extend his kingdom.

But the Bagdad Railway Company' (the share capital of which is £600,000 half paid up), naturally anxious to earn the whole of the capitalized subvention, completed the construction of the entire 200 kilometres.

There was none of his animated chatter, and Dean guessed he was anxious for the game to finish.

She stood and paced anxiously, hugging herself.

The sailors agreed; for they were anxious to hear the musician whose songs were famous all over the world.

"Sorry to bother you," I said with haste, anxious to get going.

, anxious to strike a blow at the baronial rulers of Rome, and seeing in the former tribune an excellent tool for this purpose, pardoned and released his prisoner.

On the way Double-banded coursers hurried away anxiously from our approach only to stop again suddenly to look back at us.

Chosen pope in April 1455, he was very anxious to organize a crusade against the Turks, and having sold many of his possessions, succeeded in equipping a fleet.


eager, dying,


relaxed, comfortable, uneager,

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