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anther Meaning in Tamil ( anther வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



anther தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

மகரந்தங்களின் விருத்தியின் போது மகரந்தக்கூடுகளின் சுவர்களில் இப்பல்சக்கரைட்டு சேமிக்கப்படுகின்றது.

anther's Usage Examples:

Dematophora necatrix on roots, Calyptospora Goeppertiana on stems, Ustilago Scabiosae in anthers, Claviceps purpurea in ovaries, 'c.

Tigress: This sultry swimsuit comes in several different patterns, from the black and gold Night of Romance to the aqua hued Aqua Panther.

"Further, several spores will be likely to germinate together owing to their elaters becoming entangled; a fact of some importance, since the antheridia and archegonia, though occurring sometimes on the same prothallus, are more often borne on separate individuals.

Joy-Weed (Alternanthera) - Little Brazilian weeds of the Amaranthus order, which, owing to their color, have been used in our gardens to an extent far beyond their merits.

He says that they 're swifter than leopards or panthers.

Sometimes the anther has a single cavity, and becomes unilocular, or monothecal, or dimidiate, either by the disappearance of the partition between the two lobes, or by the abortion of one of its lobes, as in Styphelia laeta and Althaea officinalis (hollyhock).

- Portion of wall of anther of Wallflower (Cheiranthus).

Functional male and female organs have been shown to exist in Pyronema and Boudiera; in Lachnea stercorea both ascogonia and antheridia a are present, but the antheridium a1 is non-functional, the ascogonial _s- - (fema l e) nuclei fusing in pairs; /'y' this is also the case' in Humaria /;' h; granulate and Ascobolus furfurs -.

- The stamen of the Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), showing one of the valves of the anther (v) curved upwards, bearing the pollen on its inner surface.

The sexual reproduction shows all transitions between forms which are normally sexual, like the Peronosporaceae, to forms in which no antheridium is developed and the oospheres develop parthenogenetically.

His panther-like physique and tattoos gave him all the appearance of a threat, and yet, he'd fended off her blows with gentleness he didn't have to show.


stamen, reproductive structure,



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