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antherozoid Meaning in Tamil ( antherozoid வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


antherozoid's Usage Examples:

The antheridia, which arise in the conceptacular cavity as special cells of branched filaments, are similarly discharged whole, the antherozoids only escaping when the antheridia are clear of the conceptacle.

It much more resembles the antherozoids of Bryophyta and certain Pteridophyta than any known among other algae.

Mycelium present; antheridia but no antherozoids; oogonia with one or more oospheres: Peronosporaceae, Saprolegniaceae.

In such a case the zoogamete is male, is called an antherozoid or spermatozoid, and arises in an antheridium; the larger gamete is an oosphere and arises in an oogonium.

The doubling process is provided by the act of fertilization, where an antherozoid with the single number of chromosomes fuses with an oosphere also with the single number to provide a fertilized egg with the double number.

Mycelium present, antheridia with antherozoids, oogonium with single oosphere: Monoblepharidaceae.

Monoblepharis has oogonia with single oospheres and antheridia developing a few amoeboid uniciliate antherozoids; these creep to the opening of the oogonium and then swim in.

The antherozoid is a spirally-coiled thread of protoplasm, furnished at one end with a pair of cilia.

There is usually distinguishable upon the surface of the oosphere an area free from chlorophyll, known as the receptive spot, at which the fusion with the antherozoid takes place; and in many cases, before fertilization, a small mucilaginous mass has been observed to separate itself off from the oosphere at this point and to escape through the pore.

The oosphere is in all cases fertilized while still within the oogonium, the antherozoids being admitted by means of a pore.

The antherozoids are attracted to the oospheres, round each of which they swarm in great numbers.

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