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anchored Meaning in Tamil ( anchored வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



anchored தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


anchored's Usage Examples:

We anchored in go to a aerobics studio whirlpools see some friends.

You'd be anchored on a line tied to a top bollard, secured in a harness.

clearing in the bollard forest is filled, with roadsigns screaming at you No!You'd be anchored on a line tied to a top bollard, secured in a harness.

He anchored in some confusion in Calais roads.

In this case the shore ends of the cantilevers are anchored to the abutments.

, king of Norway, anchored his galleys on the expedition that ended so disastrously for him at Largs (1263).

A French officer in the Egyptian service, of the name of Letellier, had anchored the vessels of Ibrahim and the Turkish admiral in a horseshoe formation, of which the points touched the entrance to the bay, and there were forts on the lands at both sides of the entry.

horizontally at the surface; they frequently appear as though anchored by the tail to a weed or other object, and possess the curious faculty of completely rotating the head so as to browse on the surface film.

His men now suffering from scurvy, and his vessels requiring refitting, he anchored at Buru, one of the Moluccas, where the governor of the Dutch settlement supplied his wants.

Direct observations of currents in the open sea are difficult, and even when the ship is anchored the veering and rolling of the vessel produce disturbances that greatly affect the result.

Captain George Vancouver (1758-1798), in charge of a British exploring expedition then engaged in mapping the coast (1792-1794), was sceptical of the existence of the river, but Captain Gray, undiscouraged, persisted in the search and on the 11th of May 1792 anchored in the river which he named Columbia in honour of his ship.

As the fire delivered under weigh was not effective, the offshore squadron anchored at about 10.


ground, secure, fasten, fix,


unlock, unzip, unbuckle, detach, unfasten,

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