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anchorages Meaning in Tamil ( anchorages வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நங்கூரம் பாய்ச்சுமிடம்,

anchorages தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


anchorages's Usage Examples:

The landings are generally dangerous because of the surf, and the anchorages are unsafe from storms on the unprotected side.

With suspension bridges, you have main cables running between the two anchorages and suspender cables spanning the length of the bridge.

The anchorages on the east coast are Soo, Karenko and Pinan, which do not call for special notice.

"This wind is much dreaded by native mariners as it strikes nearly all the sheltered anchorages.

and a depth varying from 5 to 10 fathoms, forming one of the safest and most commodious anchorages in the north of Scotland.

Besides these there are a number of small indentations, sheltered anchorages formed by islands and reefs like that of Puerto Cabello, and estuaries and also open roadsteads, like those of La Guaira and Carupano, which serve important ports.

Here three promontoriesNomo, Shimabar~ and Kizakienclose a large bay having on its shores Nagasaki, thi great naval port of Sasebo, and other anchorages.

There are besides many other safe anchorages about the coast, notably Shoal Bay and Kotara Anchorage in the South Andaman; Cadell Bay and the Turtle Islands in the North Andaman; and Outram Harbour and Kwangtung Strait in the archipelago.

and affords deep and secure anchorages and ample facilities for loading and unloading large vessels.

The coasts are fairly indented, and, protected by these reefs, which often support a chain of green islets, afford many good harbours and safe anchorages.

A remarkable feature of the Cuban coast is the number of excellent anchorages, roadsteads and harbours.

Scapa Flow contains several good anchorages, the best being Longhope in the island of Hoy.

Nearchus left the Indus with his fleet, and the anchorages sought for each night are carefully recorded.


Last Frontier, AK, Alaska,


overgarment, natural object,

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