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amnion Meaning in Tamil ( amnion வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கருவை நெருங்கிச் சுற்றியுள்ள சவ்வு,

amnion's Usage Examples:

Wheeler, the amnion is ruptured and turned back from covering the germ band, enclosing the yolk dorsally and becoming finally absorbed, as the ectoderm of the germ band itself spreads to form the dorsal wall.

S, serosa; A, amnion; E, ectoderm; N, rudiment of nerveof the oral piece.

) purposes inside the cyst, which is itself an organ comparable to an amnion.

The placenta has one chorion and two amnions, so each twin has its own amniotic sac.

von Baer in 1828, 5 Muller calls the attention of naturalists to the important fact, that while all the Squamata possess an amnion and an allantois, these structures are absent in the embryos of all the Nuda.

Kowalevsky or a bug is invaginated into the yolk at the head end, the portion of (1871 and 1887) on the embryology of the water-beetle Hydrophilus the blastoderm necessarily pushed in with it forming the amnion.

or " vertex," the compound eyes and the front divisions of the genae are formed by the cephalic lobes of the embryo (belonging membrane analogous to the amnion of higher Vertebrates andto the ocular segment), while the mandibular and maxillary segments known by the same term.

In some midges and in caddis-flies the serosa becomes ruptured and absorbed, while the germ band, still clothed with the amnion, grows around the yolk.

About 30 percent of identical twins have this classification, and each twin has its own chorion, amnion, and placenta.

Scarcely anything is known of Palaeozoic Florideae; Solenopora, ranging from the Ordovician to the Jurassic, resembles, in the structure of its thallus, with definite zones of growth, Corallinaceae such as Lithothamnion, and may probably be of the same nature.

In moths and certain saw-flies there is no rupture of the membranes; the Russian zoologists Tichomirov and Kovalevsky have described the growth of both amnion and embryonic ectoderm around the yolk, the embryo being thus completely enclosed until hatching time by both amnion and serosa.

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