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amon Meaning in Tamil ( amon வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



amon's Usage Examples:

ANTOINE AGENOR ALFRED GRAMONT, Duc DE, Duc DE Guiche, Prince De Bidache (1819-1880), French diplomatist and statesman, was born at Paris on the 14th of August 1819, of one of the most illustrious families of the old noblesse, a cadet branch of the viscounts of Aure, which took its name from the seigniory of Gramont in Navarre.

CINNAMON, the inner bark of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, a small evergreen tree belonging to the natural order Lauraceae, native to Ceylon.

JOHANN VON LAMONT (1805-1879), Scottish-German astronomer and magnetician, was born at Braemar, Aberdeenshire, on the 13th of December 1805.

The Revolution intervened; and when, during the religious reaction that followed, men sought for an ultimate authority, they found it in the papal monarch, exalted now by ultramontane zeal into the sole depositary of the apostolical tradition (see ULTRAMONTANIsM).

ARTAMON SERGYEEVICH (MATVYEEV - 1682), Russian statesman and reformer, was one of the greatest of the precursors of Peter the Great.

Minsk, Russia (Government) >>ARTAMON SERGYEEVICH (MATVYEEV - 1682), Russian statesman and reformer, was one of the greatest of the precursors of Peter the Great.

STRAMONIUM, in medicine, a drug obtained from the leaves and seeds of the Datura stramonium.

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