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amalgamation Meaning in Tamil ( amalgamation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒன்றுசேர்த்தல், இணைத்தல்,

amalgamation தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

வாகன ஒன்றுசேர்த்தல், அசைவற்ற சோதனை மற்றும் மதிப்பீட்டு வளாகம் மற்றும் திட செலுத்து ஊக்கப் பொருள் ஆலை (SPROB) ஆகியவை, திட மோட்டார்களை வார்ப்பதற்கு மற்றும் சோதனை செய்யும் பொருட்டு ஷார் இல் அமைந்துள்ளது.

amalgamation's Usage Examples:

The Reese River or pan-amalgamation process consists in drystamping crushed dried ore and dried salt (separately or together), charging them into a roasting furnace, and amalgamating the chloridized ore in an iron pan.

They were Buddhists, and it is probable that the Mahayana or northern form of Buddhism was due to an amalgamation of Gotama's doctrines with the ideas (largely Greek and Persian) which they brought with them.

One of the greatest difficulties in the treatment of gold by amalgamation, and more particularly in the treatment of pyrites, arises from the so-called " sickening " or " flouring " of the mercury; that is, the particles, losing their bright metallic surfaces, are no longer capable of coalescing with or taking up other metals.

When the ore does not contain any considerable amount of free gold mercury is not, as a rule, used during the crushing, but the amalgamation is carried out in a separate plant.

An important effect of these books was the grecizing of Roman religion by the introduction of foreign deities and rites (worshipped and practised in the Troad) and the amalgamation of national Italian deities with the corresponding Greek ones (fully discussed in J.

The fact is that Numbers is the result of a long literary process of amalgamation both of traditions and of documents, a process that began in the closing decades of the 9th century B.

It must be premised that, in order to render the Christian Socialist or Lueger party the strongest group in parliament, an amalgamation was effected between them and the conservative Catholic party: German Conservatives Christian Socialists .

Within the empire a very great diversity of nationalities is comprised, due to the amalgamation or absorption by the Slav race of a variety of Ural-Altaic stocks, of Turko-Tatars, Turko-Mongols and various Caucasian races.

B ut more important and less speculative is the hero's aspect as a national type or an amalgamation of tribal types of physical force, of dauntless effort and endurance, of militant civilization, and of Hellenic enterprise, " stronger than everything except his own passions," and " at once above and below the noblest type of man " (Jebb).

The Patio process, sometimes named the American-heap-amalgamation process, which is carried out principally in Mexico, aims at amalgamating the silver in the open in a circular enclosure termed a torta, the floor of which is generally built of flagstones.

The process was introduced in 1858 by Deetken at Grass Valley, California, where the waste minerals, principally pyrites from tailings, had been worked for a considerable time by amalgamation.

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integration, merger, consolidation, uniting,


artifact, decentralization, detribalization, detribalisation, disunion,

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