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admonition Meaning in Tamil ( admonition வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


தவற்றைச் சுட்டிக் காட்டிக் கொடுக்கப்படும் அறிவுரை, நயமான கண்டிப்பு,

admonition's Usage Examples:

Behind the stern admonitions stood a sad tragic figure.

Brennan's admonition that our tip line might be compromised was beyond being simply bothersome.

In the Book of Wisdom, again, the composition of an Egyptian Hellenist, who from internal evidence is judged to have lived somewhat earlier than Philo, Solomon is introduced uttering words of admonition, imbued with the spirit of Greek philosophers, to heathen sovereigns.

Unfortunately all the warnings and admonitions of the pope fell on deaf ears, though he himself parted with his mitre and plate in order to equip a fleet against the Turks.

During the war the Eight had been practically rulers of the city, but now the parte Guelfa, led by Lapo da Castiglionchio and Piero degli Albizzi, attempted to reassert itself by illicit interference in the elections and by a liberal use of "admonitions "(ammonizioni).

The Federalist outcry could only have been silenced by removal of Freneau, or by disclaimers or admonitions, which Jefferson did not think it incumbent upon himself - or, since he thought Freneau was doing good, desirable for him - to make.

In spite of Cynthia's admonition he returned to the kitchen and cleaned the bacon grease from the floor, using half a roll of paper towels in completing the task.

, were deaf to his admonitions to make common cause against the Turks.

According to his own account, the expostulations as to her past conduct which preceded his admonitions for the future were received with tears, confessions and attempts at extenuation or excuse; but when they parted next day on good terms she had regained her usual spirits.

The last admonition is characteristic, as Shammai was choleric and brusque.

Dean cringed at this first admonition for his impulsive actions.


monition, advice, deterrent example, object lesson, word of advice, lesson, example, warning,


praise, persuasive,

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