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adnate Meaning in Tamil ( adnate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


adnate's Usage Examples:

When the filament is continuous with the connective, and is prolonged so that the anther-lobes appear to be united to it throughout their whole length, and lie in apposition to it and on both sides of it, the anther is said to be adnate or adherent; when the filament ends at the base of the anther, then the latter is innate or erect.

In the case of alternate leaves, the stipules at the base of each leaf are sometimes united to the petiole and to each other, so as to form an adnate, adherent or petiolary stipule, as in the rose, or an axillary stipule, as in Houttuynia cordata.

(eyeless); Adineta Hudson is eyeless with the corona uniformly ciliated, and proboscis adnate, hooked.

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