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admitted Meaning in Tamil ( admitted வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஒப்பக்கொள், நுழையவிடு,

admitted தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இணைவலுப் பிணைப்பில் உள்ள இந்த்த் துளை அருகில் உள்ள அணுவின் மின்னனை உள்ளே நுழையவிடும்,.

admitted's Usage Examples:

Every effort was made to conceal the fact of occasionally administering laudanum, but it was at length admitted.

Weismann, all the leading biologists had either subscribed to the telegony doctrine or admitted that "infection of the germ" was well within the bounds of possibilities.

In this sect, children are solemnly admitted to full membership at the early age of four, and even two, years of age, when a rosary, or necklace, of 108 beads of basil (tulsi) wood is passed round their necks, and they are taught the use of the octo-syllabic formula Sri-Krishnah saranam mama, " Holy Krishna is my refuge.

They were completely potty; they were nowhere, " Freud admitted.

Besides the court of superior officers, which assists the pasha in the general administration of the province, there is also a mejlis or mixed tribunal for the settlement of municipal and commercial affairs, to which both Christian and Jewish merchants are admitted.

Then one law admitted plebeians to one office, another law to another.

Pensive, he swallowed hard and finally admitted that he didn't want her to be his by obligation, the way he'd been enslaved to past-Deidre.

A few new members were admitted, mainly from the westernmost sphere of Hanseatic influence, but membership was refused to some important applicants.

"I'm having trouble with memories in general," she admitted.

Subsequently the perfect of the three conjugations has admitted forms in -r (anidres, amdrem, amdreu, amdren), derived from the ancient pluperfect amara, 'c.

To the first part unstinted praise must be accorded; it may be said that, with the materials at the author's disposition, it hardly admitted of improvement, except in trifling details.


hold, declare, acknowledge, fink, avouch, confess, profess, concede, adjudge, squeal, sustain, attorn, write off, make no bones about, avow,


negate, appreciate, disclaim, disavow, deny,

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