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acquirement Meaning in Tamil ( acquirement வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பொருள் (அ) அறிவை அடைதல்,

acquirement தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


acquirement's Usage Examples:

Every Afghan gentleman can read and speak Persian, but beyond this acquirement education seems to be limited to the physical development of the youth by instruction in horsemanship and feats of skill.

They pick up superficial acquirements with astonishing ease, but seem to be incapable of mastering any subject.

The education of a mandarin includes local history, cognizance of the administrative rites, customs, laws and prescriptions of the country, the ethics of Confucius, the rules of good breeding, the ceremonial of official and social life, and the practical acquirements necessary to the conduct of public or private business.

The chiefs are a real aristocracy, excelling the people in physique, skill, intellect and acquirements of all sorts; and the reverence felt for them, now gradually diminishing, was very great, and had something of a religious character.

In looking back on the repeated attempts in the 18th century to construct a universal system of medicine, it is impossible not to regret the waste of brilliant gifts and profound acquirements which they involved.

His acquirements were vast, and they were all brought to bear upon the life of his day.

to have made it his object to reform these evils, to reconcile scientific acquirements and practical skill, to bring back the unity of medicine as it had been understood by Hippocrates, and at the same time to raise the dignity of medical practitioners.

His treatise De rationali et ratione uti is more interesting as a display of the logical acquirements of the age than as possessing any direct philosophical bearing.

The proper adjustment of the reins is the next thing to be attended to, and as the management of these depends so much upon the seat being firm and independent of the bridle the acquisition of a firm seat is certainly half-way towards the acquirement of good hands.

To test his acquirements they proposed that each should furnish an extemporary line of verse, his own to be the last, and all four ending in the same rhyme.

The prosperity of the island depends on the development of agriculture, the acquirement of industrious habits by the people, and the abandonment of political agitation.

The later stages of evolution leading from his ape-like ancestors to man have consisted definitely in the acquirement of a larger and therefore more educable brain by man and in the consequent education of that brain.


skill, soldiering, horsemanship, attainment, mixology, workmanship, soldiership, craft, numeracy, showmanship, accomplishment, literacy, swordsmanship, acquisition, oarsmanship, mastership, power, salesmanship, ability, marksmanship, craftsmanship, seamanship,


inability, illiteracy, innumerate, numerate, literate,

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