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acquisition Meaning in Tamil ( acquisition வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



acquisition's Usage Examples:

He carried a great scheme for the gradual acquisition of the railways by the state and the construction of new lines at a cost of three milliards, and for the development of the canal system at a further cost of one milliard.

Its object was the acquisition of gold, which was caught by the inhabitants of Colchis in fleeces as it was washed down the rivers.

And, since the strongest motive in the pilgrimage was the acquisition of indulgences, unnumbered thousands were moved to assume the Cross, when, in 1095, Urban II.

Before this acquisition its services already included nickel and hard chrome plating, machining, grinding and honing.

Of the German states represented in it even Prussia, by the acquisition of Posen, had become a non-German power; the Habsburg monarchy was predominantly non-German; Hanover was attached to the crown of Great Britain, Holstein to that of Denmark, Luxemburg to that of the Netherlands.

In many cases the overall economics are so unexceptional in most median sized practices that corporate investors will not even consider them for acquisition.

The acquisition is expected to add approximately 230 million therms to Centrica's equity gas portfolio.

He not only spent large sums in the acquisition of his library, but stole original documents from the archives of Athens and other cities of Greece.

The OFT has referred the anticipated acquisition by Anglo American plc of Johnston Group PLC to the Competition Commission.

Nagualism, or the acquisition of a mystic guardian, is a widely distributed custom, the essence of which probably consists in the procuring of a personal name having potency.

Finally, behind this bourgeoisie, and afar off, came the crowd of serfs, rustics whom the acquisition of land had gradually enfranchised, and who were the more eager to enjoy their definitive liberation because it was close at hand.


return, purchase, laying claim, assumption, getting, incurring, acquiring, procural, restitution, annexation, pork-barreling, inheritance, moneymaking, regaining, succession, procurance, buyout, acceptance, procurement, restoration, taking over, heritage,


unpermissiveness, disapproval, rejection, natural object, decline,

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