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acquiescent Meaning in Tamil ( acquiescent வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


எதிர்ப்பின்றி இசையும் தன்மையுள்ள,

acquiescent's Usage Examples:

passive-aggressive personality This term refers to someone with an outwardly calm and acquiescent shell that hides inner anger.

Racial antipathies were unimportant, and all parties were at least passively acquiescent when Louisiana became a part of the United States.

The lower classes, bullied by sabbatarianism and deprived of the old revels, were restive and hostile; but the educated middle class was with the preachers; so were many lesser country gentry; and the nobles, securing the spoils of the church, were acquiescent.


obedient, biddable,


unmanageable, bad, disobedient,

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